This post is not going to be normal Simply Stine content. What I have witnessed recently has been a lot to process. I’m sad, I’m angry and I’m confused. The question I keep asking myself is where do we go from here?
I also realize the importance of myself, a while woman, speaking up. The death of George Floyd has disgusted me, along with the others who have been murdered (Michael Brown, Eric Garner, Tamir Rice,and Breonna Taylor) and more. I’ve been watching tv. I’ve been reading the articles. I’ve watched the news. I’m listening to audiobooks that have been suggested. I’ve listened to a lot of Instagram Lives. I’ve read a lot of captions and posts. The biggest question I keep asking myself is what can I do?

I’ve donated, I’ve signed petitions, I’ve voted and I’ve shared resources on my social media, etc. I’ve had really uncomfortable conversations about race and white privilege at home and with friends. I’m really trying, but I want to do even more. I have a feeling that a lot of us are feeling this way right now. I’m just getting started and feel like I have a long way to go.
If you’re able to donate, then please donate. If you’re able to sign petitions, please do so. It you’re able to be a part of peaceful protests, then I think that’s incredible. If you purchase a book to help educate yourself, that’s one step in the right direction! Heck, try to purchase from a black-owned bookstore if you’re able to. I think what I’ve realized is that even small steps can make a HUGE difference. If we all did one thing, imagine the difference we could make. Look at everything that was accomplished in one week!
Things to consider:
- How many black influencers do you follow?
- How many times do you see black models being used in campaigns?
- How many black brands do you support?
- Do you read books from black authors?
If you have resources that you have found helpful, please share them. I plan on donating any affiliate income from this month towards organizations that are making a difference. Just because I’m posting content again, doesn’t mean that I’m still not educating myself and trying to be a part of the change. I think change has to happen offline as well.

Resources That I Found Helpful
- Black Lives Matter
- Minnesota Freedom Fund
- NAACP / NAACP Atlanta
- Anti-Racism Resources for White People
- Libro.FM has an amazing selection of audiobooks on how to be an anti-racist
- Atlanta Solidarity Fund
- The Marshall Project
- Sign This Petition for Breonna Taylor
- A Reading Guide For Fighting Racism
Support Black Owned Businesses
- The Koop New York (ordered three candles)
- Bright Black Candles (ordered their sample pack)
- Harrietts Bookshop (Named after Harriet Tubman. Purchased a gift card since their online shop is overwhelmed right now and closed)
- The Honey Pot Company (I LOVE their sensitive wash)
- 75 Black Owned Businesses (TONS of information on here)
“I understand that I will never understand but I stand with you…”

Where do we go from here? Forward. We can make progress. One day at a time, we can all be better. We can make this a better place for human beings. It just takes all of us doing our part and not stopping. It’s not going to happen overnight, but I’m hoping eventually, it will happen.
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