How are you doing? I’m sure that question is varied depending on who is reading this blog post. When I ask people how they’re really doing, I get a lot of different responses. This is such a confusing and scary time right now and we’re all experiencing this together, yet not actually together.

I just want to have a casual chit-chat today. I’ll be honest that it’s been hard to decide how to be a “blogger” during all of this. So I’m just going to keep things casual because, to be honest, I don’t know how to handle all of this. I want to be sensitive to what is happening right now, but I also want to make sure that I’m providing a distraction as I know a lot of you want that. So for now on, we’ll have a Monday chit-chat each week.
Even More Social Distancing
Rob told me last night that the president said another 30 days of social distancing and I’ll be honest, I almost lost it. I have no reason to complain: I have food, a place to live, I can work from home and I have internet and a phone so I can keep in touch with my family. However, this is a lot to go through.
30 more days is a lot, but we can do it. We have no choice. The city that I live in had to close certain “popular” areas because people weren’t staying home. People were gathering in large groups like it was a normal day. This irks me so much. Someone sent me an article about an area in Chicago and how people were out like crazy. I saw beaches in Florida full of people. Please, people. Just stay home.
If you need ideas on how to pass the time while social distancing, please read my blog post where I talk about self-care. I know that even I am running out of ideas on what to do with my time. I’m trying to not work 24/7 and I’m also trying to not watch tv all day. I saw a meme that said something about I wish I would have had more hobbies than going out to eat and well, I felt that one, ha!
Also, it’s ok to do nothing at all. If you want to relax in bed and watch tv all day, do it! If you want to read a book and not move all day, go for it! If you want to make Banana Bread to pass the time, I think you should! You don’t have to achieve something every single day. Keep that in mind. I’m preaching that to myself also.
Weekend Distractions
Over the weekend I had a moment of anxiety more than a couple of times. To be expected, right? When I’m like this, I’ll turn off social media and the news. I have also been listening to some meditations on the Breethe app that I downloaded. There’s even a meditation that deals specifically with the Coronavirus on there and one for when you’re family is driving you nuts.
Other things that I did? I went for a drive to get out of the house. NO, I DID NOT get out and go into stores or anything. We still have enough groceries to last me another week I think. I just drove because I needed a moment to not be in a room in my house. While on my drive I finished my audiobook. I needed that twenty minutes or so.
Other things that I did:
- Cleaned out my closet and got it ready for Spring. It was like 87 last week, so it was time to put away my sweaters. (Silently cried while doing this. I’m not the biggest fan of hot weather)
- Organized my clothes that I no longer want or no longer fit if I’m being honest. I’m going to do a Postmark sale as they’re still great and some haven’t been worn much. (I’ll post more about this on IG)
- Watched The Tiger King…WOW. That’s about all I can say. If you haven’t watched it, you should.
- Lots of skincare happened. It calms me and my skin needs some calm right now. My allergies are even wrecking my skin. I have been doing a lot of masks lately!
- I lit a lot of candles and relaxed. My hairstylist told me about a candle she loved and I ordered it. It’s incredible! They’re offering 25% off right now with code Spring25. Plus, you’re supporting a small business! I for sure plan on ordering more.
- I’m finishing My Dark Vanessa. The book is deep but so good! The Kindle book is on sale right now for $2.99. (Affiliate link)
- I did laundry and used my bougie laundry soaps. They smell incredible and I needed some TLC right now. Plus, I love their home products as well. Non-toxic and all of that (affiliate link)
- I tried some new skincare and makeup! Yes, I actually put on makeup and it felt incredible. I even busted out my hairdryer!!! I tried a new SPF that’s a powder.
- I’ve played scrabble on my phone with family and friends and it’s a great distraction. Even Rob started playing! If you want to play, I’ll send you a link.
- I read an interesting article about what Sept. 11 taught us about confronting catastrophe.
- I sent some thinking of you gifts to my family and friends. Nothing huge, just a hello and I’m thinking of you type of gift. We all could use some smiles right now.
- I loved the video of everyone cheering on the medical staff in Atlanta
- When I was at the grocery store, I made sure to thank every single employee that I saw. They’re working their butts off!
- I’m trying to talk myself out of a Nintendo Switch, but my niece had one and we played it in Ohio and I loved it! They’re mostly sold out so I might have to wait anyways.
- Read about the Glamour Beauty Awards (I love seeing what products won!) I am adding some that I noticed to my must-try list
- Worked on Simply Stine! The blog is getting a few new additions and fixing some things up! You’ll see them soon!
- Researched new recipes as we’re eating at home so much more than we normally do. I need some new dishes as I’m tired of my go-to’s.
- I donated some clothing to a donation box by our house. I’ve got even more to take!
- I’ve decided that I hate bras completely and I need to be refitted, but obviously that’s not happening right now. I’m thinking of ordering this bra from Spanx as I’m pretty much at home all day and just want a little something. (affiliate link)
I talked myself out of buying the items I keep looking at online. Mainly clothes I don’t need. I’m literally wearing leggings and sweat pants every day right now. Hell, right now I’m in pajama bottoms. Easter dinner might be on Facetime this year so comfy pants it is!
I ate too much cheese and drank too much coffee, but damn it, I guess if that’s what is getting me through all of this right now then so be it. PS the fat-shaming memes and messages I keep seeing on IG are getting really old guys. Who cares if you stress eat right now. Don’t worry about gaining fifteen pounds. We’re all dealing with things differently.
I probably did other things that I can’t really think of right now, but the truth is, not a lot happened. I’m home, trying to stay healthy and safe. I’m a little bored, but you know what, I’ll survive. We all need to do our part and if my part is as easy as staying home, I can do that! We owe that to the medical workers and first responders right now. They’re begging us to!
What I’m Looking Forward To This Week
I’m trying to keep things in my head that I’m genuinely looking forward to. It keeps things not so doom and gloom. It’s a new week and I hope I can make it a good one!
- I’m looking forward to movie nights that I plan on having
- Weekly content for Simply Stine as I try to keep things as normal as possible
- I’m going to try some new exercise programs I found online! Get my body moving.
- I’m going to try to take a break from social media. I think I need it. Just lay off of it a bit. Some of what you will see has been scheduled to be published.
- I want to work on taking some more donations to local places that need it. I have books and clothes I can donate for sure! I also am looking at donating food to the food banks.
- I’m going to continue to organize and do some Spring cleaning around the house.
- You better believe I’m going to finish The Tiger King…
- I want to print updated pictures and work on framing some new ones around the house.
- I’m going to start listening to Jessica Simpson’s Audiobook! I’ve heard it’s very juicy!
So as I wrap up my Monday Chit-Chat for the week, I hope that you’re doing ok. I hope that you and your family are safe. If you’re still working, please be safe. I know a lot of you have no choice. Those of you who are stuck at home trying to balance working and have children at home, I feel for you. You’re doing great! Remember, we’re all doing the best that we can.
What got you through the week/weekend? Please share below!
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