From time to time I like to do some posts on non-beauty related subject matters. In all honesty, there is way more to me than just makeup and skincare and I’d like to share that other part of my life with you guys. I’ve got some mellow music playing, I’ve got work surrounding me (that I’m slightly avoiding) and I just finished having an early dinner. It’s been a great Sunday so far. So as I sit here in my office on this gorgeous Sunday afternoon; I’ve been doing a lot of thinking and reflecting. One of my goals for 2014 was to really take a good, hard look at my life and observe. I think I’ve been pretty good about taking that time to reflect and It’s caused me to question a lot of things I thought I had a good understanding of. I thought I’d do a little bit of a Sunday Ramble type post and share some of my thoughts, reflections and some of my observations with you guys. This could get deep, ha.
I’ve started the #100daysofhappiness Hashtag Challenge and I’ve made myself stick with it. I’m almost up to 30 days and I really like having to make myself find at least one thing I’m happy about each day. I don’t mean to sound like it’s a hassle because it’s the total opposite. I’ve had a fun time taking a look around me and finding out what makes me happy. More times it’s nothing materialistic, but instead it’s my family and friends. That makes me feel good because if I just posted a bunch of pictures of items I’ve purchased (not that I don’t from time to time) I’d be totally not getting the main point of this challenge. It’s shown me that “things” are just that. They are things, but those that are in your life, who take the time to really appreciate you, help you, listen to you, make you laugh (Vivienne) encourage you and support you are the ones that I find I’m most thankful for. So if you aren’t following me on this challenge, make sure you are! I’ll post my Instagram link below. I also encourage you to do the same. Even if it’s not on Instagram, maybe it’s a moment or two during the day where you think and reflect on what made you happy…
Speaking of good friends and family. When is the last time that you truly took time out of your day to do something completely unexpected for someone? Listened to a friend who might need someone to talk to? Surprised a family member with a visit just because? I said I’ve done a lot of thinking this year and I have come to one conclusion and it’s not pretty. We (all of us) tend to forget about those around us and we only concentrate on ourselves. We forget how much those little things mean to others. We don’t make family a priority. We make excuses of being too busy to make a phone call or even send a text message. We don’t even say Thank You anymore. Sure, we are all busy, BUT you should never be too busy for your loved ones in life. I’ve tried to make sure that I’m keeping in contact with others, even if they don’t keep in contact with me. I might have to initiate it, but I’m still making them a priority in my life. I’m HUGE on taking care of others because I’ve lost people in my life and it showed me that you just never know. We aren’t guaranteed a tomorrow. So pick up the phone. Take an hour out of your day to visit with someone who’s been on your mind lately. I think in the end, you’ll realize that even though you say you don’t have time; You really do.
I’ve gotten some questions lately about why I started blogging and who my inspirations are. I know there are other bloggers who inspired me, but actually a lot of my inspiration comes from my wanting to help others. One person in my life in particular showed me that I needed to find a way to share my passions with others. One of the most amazing people I have EVER come across in my life was my Aunt. She was one person who totally got me. She understood how I worked and she was always there for me. Good or bad. Sadly, she passed away and I miss her like crazy. She wrote me letters that I keep on my desk and pull out from time to time when I need a reality check. One of the letters in particular is all about me sharing my life and knowledge with others. She taught me to never be ashamed of who I am. She knew things I struggled with and I found comfort in talking to her about them. Sitting and talking to her all of those times got me off my butt and forced me to realize that I might actually know a thing or two. I miss her like crazy, but I know that she can see how happy I am. I know she’s looking down on me and is proud of what I’ve done. Proud that I went outside my comfort zone and started this blog. I got some big news recently (blog related, stay tuned!!) that BLEW my mind. It was one of those moments that I wish I could have picked up my phone and talked to her about it. I wish I could have thanked her for pushing me, without me even knowing it. She is one of the many people who really inspired me to take a leap of faith and start my blog and I am so thankful that I listened to everyone and took their advice.
On a more random note; I’ve been on a kick of having an early Sunday dinner. I like cooking and I have started looking forward to Sunday’s because it’s a time to be with family. I wish my whole family lived closer because I’d invite them all over. So I think I’m going to start sharing some of the recipes that I’m making. I’m always wanting to try new things and if you guys are like me; You also get stuck in what I call a “food” rut. You cook the same thing over and over. Well, I’ve been trying something new and it’s working out great. I use Pinterest like crazy and I’ll pin a hundred recipes a day, but I’ll never do anything with them. Lately, I’ve been forcing myself to choose one or two recipes and start making them. So far, so good! So if new recipes are something you’d be interested in, let me know!
I’d been sick this past week and even though I had so much work to get done, I just couldn’t do it. I wanted to film, but my husband told me I would sound like Batman selling face cream if I talked on camera, ha! I do not like having to rely on others at all, but it’s always in those moments when you realize that people care! My husband took great care of me, Vivienne checked in on me daily and gave me the daily dose of laughter I needed. When she starts blogging again I’ll be sure to share her information. She’s hysterical!! My friend Jade called me and offered to bring me soup numerous times. I even had someone send me a get well gift. It’s not like I was dying, but a simple and kind gesture meant the world to me last week when I was feeling really down. So I want to repay the favor. I’ve been keeping a pile of products tucked away for a rainy day to giveaway and I think today is the day! To enter below, just tell me what is the nicest thing someone has done for you lately or what you’ve done for someone else!
Thanks for listening to me ramble! I actually enjoy doing these type of posts because like I said earlier, there is so much more to me than just “beauty.” I think it’s nice to get to know people on a different level and I hope to share a lot of “me” with you guys. If you were bored and just wanted to read about makeup, don’t fret! I’ll be back tomorrow with some new posts! I’ve got a lot of new product reviews coming up and also my lifestyle favorites for April! I also have a funny story that involves me crying over a recent haircut. Oh the fun things in life!! I hope you guys are all having a fabulous Sunday!!
Loved this post. I miss my Mom too. She always knew what to say. I think she just “got” everyone.
The nicest thing anyone has done for me recently? Getting little care packages in the mail for my son from my amazing friend (oh wait that’s you!) makes me happy because it makes him happy! Not to mention the care packages I get. The nicest thing I have done recently… Honestly I can’t think of anything recent. It’s been a few months. I guess I need to get on it! Having no friends or family around makes it rough. I should send a care package to my sister. She deserves one. 🙂
Aww! I love Corbin!!! I always have fun sending him things in the mail! You have a package coming soon, too!
Your are so true. Your mom totally got everyone. It’s a trait that doesn’t happen to many people. I miss her soooo much!
Love you, girl 🙂
Right back at ya!!
When I first moved to SA, I knew only 2 people… I was sick and I asked one of these ladies to take my daughter home from school so I could rest.. of course she said ‘yes’, but when she dropped off my daughter.. she also dropped off a can of chicken noodles soup– not fresh or home made.. but I’ve never had anyone do that for me!
We had a new neighbor when we moved to the stix and she was complaining about the nasty little worms that were invading her home.. these same worms invaded our home when we first moved in.. so after she left.. I grabbed my bug powder, bug spray and a B&B candle and put it in a pretty bag w a welcome to the stix note and hung it on her gate! I love kindness among others. AND ha ha… I’ve been trying to do the same thing w Pinterest… I did two recipes in one week!
I have been so proud of myself for finally using the recipes that Ive been pinning for so long! Some have been good, others have been removed, ha!
I love the idea of what you did for your new neighbor! Such a sweet and useful thought!
Loved your post! It’s always refreshing to take a step back from blogging about beauty and fashion and reading about life in general. I really enjoyed your post this week. (:
Something nice someone’s done for me lately: two complete strangers paid for my cousin and I’s lunch (which was more like a lunch for 4) and left without a word or any expectations. We didn’t even know until 45 minutes after they’d left and we were finishing our meals.
Something nice I’ve done for someone lately: I was shopping (go figure!) and stumbled upon some really cute owl earrings that reminded me of my God daughter. So I decided to make her, her mom, and her brother a fun little care package. (:
XOXO, Michelle
Thank you so much Michelle! I really enjoyed writing this post!
I’ve had this on my mind for a few days, and I think this is a great place to post it.
My grandma is be best friend. She is such a blessing and I talk to her every day. Last week, as we were ending our phone call, she said “I love you. But more importantly – I like you.”
Such a simple thing, right? She likes me – she likes Jen, who I am, how I’ve lived my life (all I’ve learned from her). It was a nice gesture, because it gave me assurance and confidence. It’s good to like who you love, and it doesn’t cost a thing to say it. 🙂
I love this!!! Sometimes it’s just nice to hear something positive about yourself from another person and it doesn’t have a to cost a thing!!!
What i have done for someone else? I helped with a birthday party planning and giving and it was fun!
I loved your Sunday ramble! I feel like I know you a little bit better, now! I love to read (and write) about family.
And I can so relate to pinning all of those pins and never doing anything with them, so I started a hit or miss Wednesday to try all those recipes and projects that I had promised myself I would start. Looking forward to your recipe posts!
Love the idea of a Hit or Miss Wednesday!!
My husband let me sleep while he got the kids up, fed and off to the bus stop one morning! I’m not a morning person, so that’s huge!
How nice!! Mom’s always need a break! Even if it’s just to sleep a little bit longer!
Saw The Other Woman yesterday and LOVED it!! I cried laughing also!! What a great ending!! And I always cry when I chop my hair off, luckily my BFF understands and will calm me down which is also funny because I chop my hair off every summer. LOL!!
I thought it was great. The hipster pants scene was a classic!! I’m glad to know it’s not just me that freaks out when I cut my hair. *SIGH* I know it will grow back, I just have to get used to it again!
You are awesome Christine! I loved this post! It really got me thinking about making sure I find time to connect with my friends and family more often. Life gets busy and the most important things, which aren’t really things at all, fall to the wayside. I am glad you made me realize this and have inspired me to begin making changes to start nurturing relationships. PS I just discovered Ms Mr, love them! & the other woman looks great! I want to see it so bad! Good to know you enjoyed it so much! Also, I would LOVE it if you would share your new recipes. I love to cook and am always looking to try new things! Making Sunday dinner each week, znd making it a point to try new recipes sounds like something I should start making a routine too! xX
Thank you so much Michelle! I think it’s important to take a step back sometimes and do a little bit of reflecting. I’ll let you know when the recipes go up!!
I really enjoy post likes these to help me get to know the blogger better in a personal level. I try my hardest to keep in touch with my family but I’m always so busy. I’ll take your advice and pick a phone and make some calls.
I will say that I always bring my family together for like a day out.
Yeah. We all get busy and I understand that. I just try to not allow myself to get too busy where I don’t even have an extra five minutes to make a phone call. You never know what that other persons day has been like. A phone call could mean the world to them! I hope you’ll find some extra time for your friends and loved ones!
Love this post! You are a very special person! You always remember “special” days. Not everyone does that anymore. This was a “big” reminder to me that I need to be more giving of my time and put forth the effort more often to talk and/or spend time with others! I do one “good” thing on a weekly basis for a girl that I am paired up with thru a school/work program set up by Big Brothers Big Sisters. But, guess it’s time to up my efforts!
We all get busy and it’s hard with so much stuff going on anymore. Our lives are crazy, but I think it’s still important to take that extra time to even send a quick note in the mail (not always email) and do something unexpected for someone. It just takes reminding ourselves to do it…
I really want to see that movie! I liked the post a lot! I’ve wanted to do multiple posts like this but I feel like people would be bored to tears with what I have to say! You should do a post like this often!
Caitlyn-I don’t think they’d be bored!! You should try it once. It’s actually pretty therapeutic sometimes to just get things off of your chest!!! I’ll make sure to keep up this type of posts on the blog. It’s nice to see that people enjoyed reading it…
I love your posts!! I was just checking through your blog again–cant believe ive been following you a year and a half! you are amazing!
As for the nicest thing someones done for me/ive done for someone lately—-
Actually a woman my sister works with has a son who has diabetes. She is saving money to get him a dog for therapy, which insurance wont cover any, but for the dog and training it costs roughly $20,000. Of course this woman doesn’t have the money.
Although can collecting doesn’t get much money and you wind up spending more money on gas than you get with the cans, for the last 3 weekends i have went around and picked up cans for a few hours. All of the money is being donated to her for the dog.
Brandi-You’ve been there since the beginning!! Thanks for staying with me!!
of course!!! love love love you!