One of my absolute favorite movies ever would be The Secret Life of Walter Mitty. It’s a movie that’s about going after your hopes and dreams and making sh$# happen in your life. It’s a gorgeous movie that just inspires the hell out of me every time I watch it. I grew up with with dreams about what I wanted my life to become. At a young age, I remember that my biggest dream was to work at a grocery store so I could scan groceries because I remember going to the grocery store and wanting to do noting but scan every single thing we were buying. Obviously, my dreams have changed a little bit. That’s what happens though. As we get older, the things we once thought we wanted so badly, might not be as important to us anymore.
What do you do when you’ve got this big pile of things that you label as “dreams” on the back burner? Do you still actively try to achieve each one? Have you lost hope? I don’t want you to! Here are the ways in which I remind myself how far along I’ve come and how I personally work on achieving my hopes and dreams!
Because nothing says Hopes and Dreams quite like a picture of this woman, right?!?!
Take a step back….
Sometimes I sit around and get so frustrated because the hopes and dreams that I personally have, aren’t coming to me as quickly as I’d like, but then I start to think about things and I’m reminded of how far along I have come. Take a step back and just look at where you are on your list of priorities. One of my dreams was to have a successful blog and to be helping women understand the whole world of Beauty a little bit better. I wanted to be able to talk about products I love and help women feel more confident about themselves. Sure, I might not be at the exact place where I’d want my business to be (is anyone honestly?!?) BUT there are moments where I’m like I’m exactly where I need to be. I’m helping people through my blog and I’ve gotten an opportunity to work with brands I’ve loved for years and now they’re reaching out to me?!? Take a step back and really look at things from time to time. It might give you that gentle reminder that you sometimes need of how far you’ve come.
Take a look at your “list”
Do you write down your hopes and dreams? I hope so because to me, seeing things on pen and paper make it official. In my planner, on one of the front pages, I have written down my hopes and dreams for that year. The things I have written down will always include a good mixture of things and they change from year to year. Some, never change. Traveling more will always be on my list. Things for my work vary year to year. Get a list together remind yourself what’s on your list. Can you cross anything off? Have something else to add? Change things up as your life and your priorities change. Just never forget how important it is to keep that list a priority in your life!
Do more of what makes you happy
I could go on and on about this. What kind of life are you living if you aren’t doing the things that make you the happiest??! To me, that is no life. In fact, I feel so passionate about doing more of what makes you happy that I wrote an entire post on it. If you missed that post, you can read it here. Wouldn’t achieving your dreams make you extremely happy? Working towards them might make you feel better, right?!? So do what you can to make them happen! Sure you might struggle for a little while, but once you actually achieve them, how happy would you be?!? If it’s a dream to finally be able to travel to the Beach to see the Ocean, then why aren’t you doing everything in your power to make that happen?!? You might have to save some money and stop doing certain things for a while (to make sure you can easily afford to do it) but in the end, all that hard work and sacrifice will be so worth it! Never stop doing what makes you happy and never be afraid to put in the hard work to make them happen!
Realize that things don’t happen overnight…normally
I have this friend and she’s wanted to start a blog for a long time, but she just never did. One day we finally made it happen! I’ve gotten her all set up with WordPress and she’s got her name, her first blog post and all of that finished. It didn’t happen overnight, but it DID happen. Now all she has to do is hit publish on her first post. Sometimes we’re scared to take a leap of faith when it comes to our hopes and dreams. I always wanted a blog, but I was so scared to get things going. Imagine if I never did?!? I realize now how many opportunities and friendships I would have missed. Things don’t always happen overnight, sometimes we need courage to chase our dreams, but never stop chasing them! If I’ve learned one thing in my life, it’s how important having patience really is! Things don’t happen immediately and if they did, would we really appreciate them as much as when we have to work for things?!?
Never, ever stop chasing your hopes and dreams. Always have a running list ether in your mind or written down, of things you want to achieve, places you want to visit, experiences you want to happen. I think that having things to work for, make us all better human beings. It’s a common thing to have dreams, but not everyone wants to work hard to achieve them! Never forget that the things you dream of can become reality! Take it from me! I have had things happen in my life I never thought would happen. I’ve been to places on this earth that I can’t believe I’ve gotten a chance to visit. I’ve accomplished things in my life that I never thought would have been possible, but I did. Hard work and tears might have been a part of that journey, but I’ll never stop chasing my hopes and dreams!
Psst…this is the trailer for The Secret Life of Walter Mitty! I feel like this trailer doesn’t do the movie justice, but once you watch it, you’ll understand how this movie just does something to your soul! It’s an excellent movie to watch when you need some motivation!
I think everyone has dreams, whether big or small, easy or hard to achieve. Many of us don’t write them down or express our desires to make them happen. And many of them won’t or can’t come to fruition. But each day is a chance to grow and do the things you want. I give kudos to all of the people who can make theirs a reality. Your blog is great! and I’m glad that you made this dream come true! You do give great insight, suggestions and comments of a variety of makeup and personal things. Keep on doing what you do!!