Happy 2020 everyone! Did you have a fun NYE? I barely made it to midnight. How were the Holidays? Mine were great, other than being sick. I’ve been on vacation since before Christmas and I’ve been to Chicago for a fun little getaway and also to Ohio to visit family. I’m just now opening my computer and I have to admit, it’s been a nice break! Simply Stine is back in action and I have some great posts coming soon! First, let’s chat New Year’s Resolutions 2020.
New Year’s Resolutions 2020
Last year I chose a world of the year. I also did the same thing for 2018. I haven’t chose one for this year yet and I’m not sure that I’m going to. My goal for this year is to not put so much pressure on myself. I want to go with the flow a bit more than I normally do. I want less schedules and more availability. So I’m not really working on a word of the year or any resolutions. However, I do have things I want to accomplish in 2020. Let’s chat about those, shall we?

Things I Want to Accomplish in 2020
For 2020 I’m kinda starting over. I know that sounds cliche, but hear me out! I’m starting fresh and that means new ideas, new content, new wants and wishes. I’m not dieting, I’m not setting unrealistic goals or myself. Instead I’m giving myself grace. I want this to be the year that I really just have fun.
I don’t want to stress myself out like I used to (it will still happen from time to time) trying to reach goals and working on things I don’t have an interest on. I’m not setting myself up for failure. Instead, I’m taking a more laid back approach to life. Still saying no more often and being ok with that. Telling myself I’m in charge of my schedule. I can schedule days off for mental breaks. I can break my routine up a bit and know it’s not the end of the world.
Free Up Clutter From My Home and My Mind
I’ve been really working hard on this for quite a while now, but I know I can do better. I’ve went from room to room, cleaning things up and making donation piles. It started with beauty products and I’m now working on other areas of my home like my closets, bathrooms, books, and more.
I’ve always been the type who can’t work or concentrate in a cluttered environment. For a while, I was receiving so many PR packages that my office looked like a department store. That’s changed as I don’t accept as many packages as I used to. You might notice I don’t review as many beauty products as I used to in the past and that’s been intentional. I really only share things I am loving or have thoughts on, rather than every product that’s being released.
I’ve been more intentional about the products and clothing that I’m purchasing. I realized for a long time I was buying things to just buy. I’d get bored and go shopping. I’d see something online and swear to myself I had to have it. I’m trying to be better about that.
Someone recently asked me about my favorite stores to shop at and I’ll be putting together a list of brands that I’m loving. I don’t shop for the hell of it anymore. I shop because I need something. I’m working on putting together a capsule wardrobe so I make sure I have staples that work together.
Mentally, I’m trying to learn more about myself. Sounds crazy, but I’m trying to really focus on happiness in my life. For a while I think I was grieving the life I had imagined I’d have. Sure there are still bad days, but I want to make the most out of my time. So I am working on myself mentally to make sure I’m addressing my anxiety and depression. To make sure that I’m giving myself breaks and I’m learning more about meditation and ways to de-stress. This year I signed up for Headspace and plan on working on my mental health even more. That includes better sleep and better stress management.
Goals: Unsubscribe, Unfollow, and Unfriend. If it isn’t working in my life and serving a purpose, it needs to be gone!
Travel More, Even Locally
There really is no excuse as to why I’m not traveling more. I want to do way more traveling in 2020. Maybe even to explore local towns nearby. I live right outside of Atlanta. There are so many places that I still haven’t ventured to and that needs to change. I also want to do more exploring to other states and even other countries! I turn 40 this year and we will be celebrating my birthday a little early as we’ve got a trip to Europe in the works! I’m so excited.
Goals: Explore cities around us. Plan more day trips. Every other month plan a little getaway for a day or two.
Read More, Less TV
I really went crazy when I stopped watching most tv. I used to be a die hard Bravo fan and one day I just realized I needed a break. I haven’t looked back yet. Instead of spending hours watching tv, I’m reading a lot more. You probably noticed lots of new content around books and I hope you’re loving it. I read A LOT more than I used to and that makes me so happy.
I’m still a member of Book of the Month. I still listen to audiobooks on Libro.fm. I’m still a member of our local library. I haven’t bought as many books as I was in the beginning as I’ve used a lot of credits from BOTM and utilizing my library more. Also, we read a book of the month for my podcast, Influenced The Podcast. (affiliate links included in this paragraph)
Bottom line is that books will be a major part of my life and that also means Simply Stine. You can always check out my monthly reading recap as well as all of the books I’ve read.
Goals: Read 60 books. Continue to listen to audiobooks. Branch out and diversify my reading. Read an hour a night before bed.
Shop Smarter
I’ve talked about this a bit at the beginning of this post, but I want to shop smarter. Gone are the days where I’d order ever single product that was released. I also try to shop smarter. That basically means I’m trying to not shop for the hell of it anymore AND I’m trying to purchase things I actually need and not just want.
I have to step away from Instagram and social media a lot more often because it can suck me into random purchases so easily. I’ve also unfollowed people who bring on those triggers. I don’t want to have a bunch of clutter in my closet and my home. I’m currently going through my closet once again and donating items I no longer need. Same for my beauty stash. If I do find I need something, I’m making a list and will be shopping for those items when they fit into my budget.
The amount of money I spend at the grocery store when I go is insane to me. Anyone else? I’ll shop and we’ll end up eating out and wasting a bunch of food and money. I just signed up for Shipt because they also deliver from Target. I still use Amazon Prime Now Delivery because it’s free with a Prime Account. Me not going to the store equals me saving money on random bs I’d put in my cart. Plus, I’m saving time not having to grocery shop. This might seem like something that’s sort of bougie, but believe me, I’m so much happier having groceries delivered weekly and having that time for other things in my life. (affiliate links used in this paragraph)
Goals: Spend wisely. Stop spending just because. Start putting money aside. Use what I have already. Shop my closet.
Up my Blogging and Podcasting Game
I am seriously so proud of what I’ve accomplished with Simply Stine. I’m also so excited for my podcast and where it will go in 2020. I had to take a slight break from the blog the last weeks of December and I’m not unhappy about it. We all need to make sure we’re allowing ourselves a vacation here and there. However, I want to make sure I’m continuing learning and making the best content that I can create.
Simply Stine has transitioned a lot and honestly, it’s more about putting out content that makes me happy rather than earning a buck or two. It’s full-time for me, but I made a vow to myself to not get stressed out about saying no to partnerships and sponsored deals. Sometimes, while the money is great, it’s not worth if it the content I’d produce isn’t genuine.
My main goal is to help women feel better about themselves. To help them live a life that makes them happy. I don’t want to be pumping out links to buy things 24/7, instead, I want to share tips with you that help better your life. I want to educate you on what works for me that might also work for you. I want to be honest in my struggles and not shy away from the hard topics. Sure I’ll talk about “things” but I want to do more than that as well.
Simply Stine in 2020 will be a good mix of content. I’ve had a lot of requests for fashion posts, more recipe content, and more real-life everyday topics. I also want to continue to feature individuals who I think you can learn from. I’m also fixing up the site a bit and sprucing things up. I just want it to be the best ever for you and when you’re on Simply Stine, I want you to have an enjoyable time and experience.
For Influenced The Podcast, we’ve had a blast. 2019 was a learning experience for us. Lindsay and I are just two women who thought it would be fun to put together a podcast. We had zero idea where to start and we learned as we went on. I got kind of irritated and hurt sometimes when I’d read comments about our sound not being perfect or we occasionally interrupted each other when we spoke. That’s not happening anymore. I have to give myself grace and realize that we are doing the absolute best we can!
I’m fortunate to have Lindsay as my co-host! She’s incredible and I learn from her all of the time. Are we perfect? NOPE, but I have to say that I’m thrilled to have her as my partner for this podcast.
Goals: Continue working on photography. Continue producing content I’m proud of and that my audience benefits from. Explore new trends in the beauty industry, etc. STOP comparing constantly.

Cook More and Work on My Health
My body is full of cheese, sweets, more cheese, and coffee right now. The Holiday’s were ROUGH on my body. No wonder why I feel like crap right now. It’s time to get back into the groove of things and start fixing healthy meals and actually eating at home. Will I give up pizza and tacos? NOPE! I will though stop eating cheese as a meal 24/7. HA!
I’ve already set up an appointment with my doctors for checkups. I just did bloodwork and all of that at the end of the year to see where I’m at. I plan on scheduling a dermatologist appointment, as well as a therapy appointment. I’d like to be happy with myself mentally this year as 2019 was a struggle for my mental health. Anxiety sucks and I need to be better about taking care of myself.
Goals: Drink less of everything but water. Work on incorporating more veggies into my diet. Continue to cut back on dairy products. Listen to my doctors and make sure I’m following up on appointments. Don’t be scared to challenge what doctors are saying if I’m not getting results. Take mental health days when needed.
I Want To…..
I want to spend more time with family and friends and less time online. Sure social media is a part of my job, but I can do better and I know it! I’m not putting unrealistic expectations on myself like I have before, but instead, I’m giving myself grace. I’m allowing myself to be free of a horrid schedule and feeling so burnt out.
I want to drink better coffee and allow myself time to actually enjoy it in the morning. I want to remind myself that leggings aren’t always the best option and to put myself together, occasionally. I’ll thank myself once I do. I will still continue to indulge in makeup and skincare. I love it and I love experiencing new products. I will continue to listen to podcasts. I will attempt to read book genres that aren’t my go-to. I will be better about doing laundry. I promise to go to Starbucks as well as Chick-fil-A less often than I do now. I won’t feel guilty for allowing someone to help me. I’ll be better about checking up on myself and not just others. I will be organized and make better spending decisions.
Happy 2020 my friends!
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