I hope that you had a good month of reading in October. I hit my reading goal for 2023 this month: 65 books. YAY! Today, I’m sharing my October 2023 Reading List. I had a really, really good month of reading. I’ve continued with the Throne of Glass series (which I highly recommend) and even dabbled into some new to me Dramione books. The one book that I was most excited to read in October was The Woman in Me by Britney Spears. It didn’t disappoint.
Scribd is Now Everand
I have talked about my love for Scribd for quite a while now. Just a heads up, you’ll notice that I now refer to it as Everand and that is because Scribd is now called Everand. This is where you’ll go for audiobooks, e-books, magazines, podcasts, etc. It’s still the same service that I love, just a new name.
My referral link gives you 60 days access for free! I honestly can’t get over how much I love this subscription. More times than not, the books I am wanting to read are available as either an e-book or an audiobook. It honestly saves me so much money. NOT SPONSORED. I just really love it.
Simply Stine Bookshelf
I’m still working on updating the Simply Stine Bookshelf page. I’ve added specific categories so if you’re looking for a certain genre, it’s easy to see what books I’ve read in that category. I hope you find this useful and easier to navigate.
I’m now working on uploading more individual books that I’ve read and reviewed on the page. It’s a lengthy process, but I’m getting there.
All The Books I Read in October

The Woman In Me by Britney Spears
I pre-ordered this audiobook as soon as it was announced. I have seen Britney Spears in concert at least 3 times? Possibly more. I couldn’t pick a favorite song. I still remember seeing her on TRL in her video for Baby One More Time. I’ve followed her story for so many years. I’ve been fascinated by what has happened to her, but do we really know the real story? THIS is why I wanted to read this book.
Britney doesn’t narrate the book. She explains in the beginning that it would be too difficult for her. So Michelle Williams narrates it and she did a great job. There weren’t too many major bombshells, but there were a couple that I found really interesting.
This poor woman has been through hell. I am so confused by so many parts of this story (mostly her family) and don’t even get me started on Justin. I just hope that she finds peace and she’s able to live her life the way she wants to. I also hope she’s able to get the help that she deserves.
It’s a very fast read (and listen) and worth checking out!
Buy the Book: Bookshop.org / Amazon
Listen to the Audiobook: It’s available on Everand (that link will get you 60 days free!) I purchased my audiobook on Libro.fm (as i had pre-ordered before realizing it would be available)
Crown of Midnight by SJM
This is the second book in the Throne of Glass series by SJM. I gave the first book, Throne of Glass, five stars. If you haven’t read it and you’re interested in: Fantasy reads, Magical powers, Romance (but nothing really too open door) and a kick-ass leading lady…..read this series.
So far I’m really enjoying it and I plan on continuing the series this month. This ending of this book left me with so many questions.
Buy the book: Bookshop.org / Amazon
Listen to the Audiobook: Audible (Not available on anything else that I’ve noticed)
Wellness by Nathan Hill
This was an Oprah Book Club pick for October. I chose to listen to the audiobook and really enjoyed the narration on this one. It’s a story about a marriage that is not exactly thriving. Two people, who met in college in the 90’s, are now married and have a son. Life is certainly not without challenges (their marriage one of them) and what happens when you really start looking at your life and the choices you made.
This book has some extremely funny moments (the dad and facebook made me laugh) and also some really serious moments. My one critique was that it felt that some chapters sort of went on and on. I rarely skip ahead but some parts I skipped ahead 30 seconds or so to speed it up a bit.
Buy the book: Bookshop.org / Amazon
Buy the Audiobook: Libro.fm
Maybe Once, Maybe Twice by Allison Rose Greenberg
Devsdayreads recommended this book and I was lucky enough to receive an advanced copy before it released. Thanks to St. Martin’s Press and Netgalley!
Maggie made a marriage pact with not one, but two men. When she turns 35, she suggests that they get married. Both men are very, very different. I LOVED this book so much. It has a messy love triangle, alternating timelines, women supporting women, hollywood romance, new fame, second chance relationship, found family.
When she turns 35, both men are still in her life. What happens next was a great story! It’s not only a romance, BUT it’s also about finding yourself and chasing your dreams.
Buy the Book: Bookshop.org / Amazon
Listen to the Audiobook: Libro.fm
Wreck the Halls by Tessa Bailey
Tessa Bailey can be a hit or miss author for me, but I had read good reviews of Wreck the Halls, so I decided to give the audiobook a shot. Overall it was a pretty good book and I found myself laughing and rooting for the main characters. This is definitely not a book for people who aren’t a fan of open door scenes. Lots of sex, as Tessa loves an explicit scene.
Beat and Melody are children to two former bandmates. They meet at a young age, and are later reunited in hopes of reuniting both of their mothers to perform a reunion show on Christmas Eve. Sure, they agree to have this all filmed for a reality show. What could go wrong?!?
Buy the Book: Bookshop.org / Amazon
Listen on Everand (Used to be called Scribd) *This is my affiliate link. You will get a 60 day free trial at no cost to you!
Manacled by Sen Lin Yu
Wow. Wow. Wow. This is the absolute best book I’ve read all year. I say that with zero hesitation. HOWEVER, I have to say that this book won’t be for everyone. It’s Dramione, aka the popular Hermione Granger and Draco Mayfoy non-canonical ship in the Harry Potter world. In even more basic terms, it’s the relationship between Hermione and Draco if an alternate story happened in HP.
This book is so dark. It’s extremely intense. Think of this as Handmaids Tale meets Harry Potter. There are so many triggers: Rape, Miscarriage, Abuse, Torture. I could go on. It’s all relevant to the story. If you’ve watched (or read) The Handmaids Tale, you will be well prepared.
I went into this book thinking the writing would be so/so. THAT IS NOT THE CASE. This book is so beautifully written. The storyline is incredible. I think I was talking to my bff about this book and I actually used the word exceptional. The story of these two characters just makes sense and it had me holding my breath so many times.
5⭐️ (Infinite stars)
How to read Manacled:
All You Want by Sen Lin Yu
Continuing on my Dramione obsession, I decided to start reading All You Want by Sen Lin Yu, the same author as Manacled. This one was not a favorite. I read a review on Goodreads and I completely agree with the reviewer who said something like “I never want to read the words Alpha again.” This story was very different from Manacled and I felt it lacked the same depth. This was very, very steamy. For sure NSFW.
Hermione is an Omega. Draco is an Alpha. I won’t go into anything else so I don’t spoil anything. Just know that it involves a lot of sex and the word Alpha over and over again.
Check trigger warnings for this one.
My Most Anticipated Read For November 2023
I can’t wait for November 7th. Iron Flame, the follow up to the hugely successful book, The Fourth Wing releases. If you haven’t read Fourth Wing yet, what are you waiting for?!?!?
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