Blogging is some serious hard work and dedication. I never, ever would have thought this much work would go into keeping up a blog. Seriously! Answering emails, writing pitches, Going over sponsorships, reviewing, testing, photographing, editing, videos and last but not least, writing! I don’t complain about what I do, in fact, I love what I do. A lot of people tell me that they don’t really understand what it is a “blogger” actually does. I know that a lot of people don’t even consider what I do a “Job.” I thought today I’d clarify some things, offer ways to help support bloggers and give you an idea of what a day is like for me.
Nothing frustrates me more than someone downing what I do for a living. Blogging IS my career. It’s my job. I have deadlines. I have to read, research and test products. I have presentations to basically “sell” my blog to advertisers and companies. I answer email after email. I, even still, have to deal with people who don’t do their work properly or on time, yet expect me to pick up the slack and make it happen. Sound familiar?!? HA! I, also from time to time, have to deal with snotty people who think they are better than me. Believe me, not all bloggers (or businesses) are what they seem to be! If I don’t come up with a new post idea weekly, my blog will lose numbers which are important for helping me keep building my business. So you see, blogging is a lot of fun, but it can also be very, very stressful.
Support Bloggers:
Now, imagine putting in all of that hard work on a post, thinking it was going to be a hit and then no one reads it. No one comments on it. It’s a really horrible feeling and it’s happened to me so many times. Maybe not so much anymore, but in the beginning I had zero views often. I still to this day sometimes don’t get a lot of comments! I appreciate every single person that comments on my posts. No matter how small the comment. You have no idea how much that means to me. I’d love it if more of my own family and friends commented from time to time. I think a lot of people are just unsure of how to support a blogger. If you fall under that category, then here are some ways you can help!
1. Read their posts!
We don’t just write this for ourselves, we actually write it in hopes that it helps other people. I don’t always just talk about beauty products. In fact, I love to talk about different recipes, things I’m loving other than beauty and maybe even a little bit of personal info about my life. Sometimes the things Bloggers open up about are difficult and hard for them to share. It’s even more disappointing when no one reads what we’re posting. We check our numbers, when we see that only ten people read that post we were so excited to share, it’s a heart breaker. So READ what they’re putting out there and take the time to respond and share!
2. Comment Away
So you read the posts, but do you ever comment? It’s sad, but I can name probably one family member who comments on my posts and that’s my mom. I know she doesn’t always care about what I’m talking about, but she supports me and I appreciate it. I’m not even sure if my friends even follow my blog, ha! I wish more of them would interact! If someone you know is blogging, you have no idea how much commenting on their posts means to them. Don’t feel awkward or weird about it. Comment away! It will seriously brighten our day! Plus, those comments and interactions help us!
3. Share/Like/Comment on our Posts
More than likely, most bloggers are on all Social Media. I, personally have Twitter, Instagram, Snap Chat, Facebook and Pinterest. I try to be really active on all of them, but sometimes it can feel like we’re posting for ourselves. A lot of people might not use each of the social media that I talked about, BUT I’m sure you use at least one or two. Tweet back to us, RT a Tweet. Like our Instagram posts and again, comment! Snap Chat is new to me, but I’m trying! You might get a kick out of what I’m posting. Also, Facebook is a real b*&$# at times. If we don’t pay them, they limit the amount of people who see our posts. So share, like and comment what we’re posting. We promise, we’re not trying to spam your wall! We’re just trying to get our viewers and followers to see what we’re posting! Most of us use Pinterest so go ahead and Pin a post or follow a board we have put together.
4. Support their events
When a blogger gets their own event that they are featured at; that’s a very big deal! So make sure if you can that you go and support them! Even showing up means a lot to them. If you aren’t able to attend, at least mention it to them that you wish you were able to be there. If it’s a big deal to that blogger, maybe even go one step more and send something to show your support.
5. Talk to them about their Blog
I love it when people actually ask me what I’m working on. Sometimes it’s not much, sometimes I have lots of interesting things to talk about. Bottom line, it just shows that you care and that what we do matters.
What’s a typical day like for you?
I can’t speak for most bloggers, but I will say for me that blogging takes up a good portion of my days. I spend it researching, putting together ideas, photographing, editing and trying to get my normal daily “duties” done at the same time. I am seriously blessed to be able to do this for as a full-time job, but that’s what I have to remember. This IS my job. When I waste a day watching Netflix, I’m not getting anything done and my website suffers. I also try to not over do it. I still want a normal life and I don’t want to be locked down in my office constantly. It’s a give and take. If I go out and “Play” I know that I’ll have more work to do later on. That’s how I keep my work life and personal life in check.
There is this quote that I adore: “PUT YOUR FUTURE IN GOOD HANDS-YOUR OWN” – Unknown Author. I know that I’m entirely in control of this website. It’s my work, my ideas and visions. All I ever wanted to do when I started this blog was to help people who needed a place to go to for answers. I’ve changed since I started my blog and I’ve learned. There are thousands and thousands of people who do the same thing that I do, but I try to be as authentic and real as I can and I hope that people can see a little bit of me in the blog. I want you to continue to support it, read what I’m posting and participate along with me. Know that I appreciate the support and everything else that comes along with it. Do I read every single comment and email? YES! Know that I never take any of that for granted and it’s what keeps me going. I also fully support other bloggers myself. They work hard and I don’t view it as a competition. So I personally, take the time to read the posts, watch their videos, comment on their social media and whatever else it takes to support them. I hope you’ll do the same!
Yes, yes, annnnd yes. Great post Christine. I am ALSO very surprised (and sometimes a little sad) that my friends or family don’t seem to show a lot of care for what I do. I see them sharing other blog posts and such, so sometimes that feels really cruddy. Then I just remind myself “My blog isn’t for everyone. It’s okay.”
Anyways, thanks for the great post. Nice to know us bloggers hold together – we aren’t alone in the hard work of blogging!
I’m so glad you liked it! It had been sitting in my draft folder for a while and I finally decided to finish it up! Bloggers have to stick together and support each other!! Especially if we don’t have that support from others!
I love this post it hits home on so many levels! Thank you so much for sharing!! It can be discouraging sometimes when you put so much work into something and people don’t seem to notice (no comments or shares…) but for them to ridicule what you do to bring in income for your family is ridiculous. I’m sorry you have to deal with that. Keep up the good work!
Brittany – everydaythoughtsbybrittany.blogspot.com
I think the trend that I’m noticing is that I’m not alone, ha! It’s amazing when I talk to other bloggers and I hear them talking about them same issues. That helps me realize that it’s not just me! Thanks for your support!
Beautifully said! I just reached the one year mark on my blog, and when I started I had no idea how hard it was going to be!! I thought I could easily post three times a week, maybe more after the first month or so. With my full time office job, I think I average around one post a week now. It looks so easy from the outside, and people don’t realize all the hard work and ideas that go into just one post. Nothing is more frustrating to work hard on a post, for it to only have no comments and very little views. I will definitely be sharing this to help people understand just how challenging it can be!
You are so right! Blogging is hard work, but we enjoy it! Otherwise, why would we do it? I’ve written plenty of posts that I thought were going to be “hits” only to realize that I didn’t get a single comment. Nothing is more frustrating to me. I still have the occasional “why isn’t anyone reading what I’m writing” moments, but I tell myself that it takes time and I just have to keep working harder! Thanks for the support, Chelsea!! PS Congrats on the one year mark!! That’s a HUGE accomplishment!
I completely agree, a few months back I did a post on How not to be a Mean Girl-Blogger edition. It talked about a lot of these topics you touched on. I just naturally comment on blogs,share the ones I like, repin/tweet/regram and all that jazz. I just recently took on blogging full time although I have blogged for 4 years. I was late to the social media game, and sometimes I feel left in the water. My husband is supportive but I know sometimes when I am sitting at a computer he must think I am just playing solitaire or something heheh I have to put on music once I start watching PLL on Netflix the day is done 🙂
Heather you have a fantastic blog!! I’ve enjoyed following you!! Blogging and the whole social media can be overwhelming!! I try to stay on top of it as much as I can!!
great happy life tips
So true! I don’t really consider my blog a job per-say (because I don’t make actual money on it), but I do like to keep up on it as more of a very important hobby… This is a great post, and I try to engage with other blogs daily which can be exhausting in and of itself!!
It can be completely exhausting because there are so many bloggers that I follow and they have so many ways of sharing that I want to help support! I could spend an entire day just commenting!!
This is a great topic! I for one am pretty clueless about blogs. I had probably never looked at one until you started on yours. But I try to read all that you post and comment on any that I have an opinion on. I definitely don’t stay up to date on all the beauty and fashion, but it is very interesting to see what you have to say about various products. Occasionally I will splurge and try something new because of a review you did. I will always try and support you as much as I can!!
I’m not even sure I stay up to date on all the beauty and fashion posts, but I try!! Thank you for always supporting me!
Blogging takes up SO much more time than I thought it would. When I started blogging I was nearing the end of college so I had A LOT of time. Then I ended up going back to school for a Master’s so I still had plenty of time. Now I’m out of the house for 8-9 hours a day at work, and finding time to blog is getting harder!
Blogging is hard work! Plus I think we learn so much as we go along. I wish sometimes I could do more, but I try to not burn myself out!
YES, YES, YES to all of it! I started this venture in 2011, then I had to take a break for 2 years to return to steadier paying job. It killed me to leave blogging behind, but I always kept my domain current in hopes that one day I’d go back, and in 2013 I got the chance to start it up again. It’s been so fun, but it’s truly the hardest job I’ve had. Plus, now I have a toddler so my days aren’t just mine anymore. But, having the support of fellow bloggers is so great. Social media management is an entire job title, and for us it’s just a tiny part, so it’s definitely nothing to look down on. My mom actually doesn’t care for beauty, so she doesn’t read my blog lol mean right?! We’re best friends, so I don’t take it to heart, but she’s like yeah I don’t read it haha 😉
Aww!! You have an excellent blog! Your makeup shots are always fantastic and I enjoy reading your blog so much!! I think it’s important that we have support, wherever it comes from!!
Yes to all of the above! I always comment on posts when I can!
Thanks for the support, Chelsea!
i wish i had more time to fully do what i want with blogging. blogging has changed so much. i hope it goes back to the way it was where people commented and actually read the posts. now it’s become more visual, which is what i think tumblr is good for. let us tell our stories.
I’m always in awe of your blog because I know that you also have a full time job. I’d say a lot of us look up to you because you’ve set the the bar so high, ha!! I totally agree with you about the whole visual thing. I think people love pretty pictures that tell the story, that way they don’t have to read it. Everyone is so busy, they tend to read and such the least amount possible. I love reading stories and reviews! Call me old fashioned!!
Blogging is such hard work! I wish I had more time to invest into my blog and I know that I have it but i’m still trying to find that work/play/blog balance. This is such a great post! Even on days I don’t have the time to write up a post I always make sure to go and read the bloggers I follow so that I can comment.
Thank you for this post! As a full time MUA and blogger my days are super long. Working with clients during the day and writing late into the evening…(my poor hubby?). Your post is on point and I hope you don’t mind if I share with my readers. ?
I thought I commented on this, but I guess I didn’t! OOPS! Thank you so much for your support! You are more than welcome to share!