This post is especially good for anyone wanting to know the behind-the-scenes of blogging AND for anyone who is thinking about starting their own blog. It’s not as easy as it seems and a lot of hard work goes into even the simplest of posts. So I thought it would be fun and interesting to put together a Bloggers Tell All Tag.
Here are my answers! I might actually even do a video about this so I can show some examples of things and go into more detail! If this is something that you’d like, let me know in the comments below!
Bloggers Tell All Tag
What was my first post about?
My first post was an introduction and it was without any pictures. Oh yeah. My second post, that I’d consider my first “real” post in the blogging world was titled, “Fall is in the air!” and well, at least this one had pictures. These posts were noting amazing, BUT they were amazing to me at the time because I had the courage to hit publish! We all have to start somewhere!
Keeping it real with this throwback!! From one of my first posts!
What is the meaning behind my blog name?
My full name is Christine, but my Husband has always called me Stine, short for Christine. The name, Simply Stine just kind of stuck with me when I was trying to come up with names for the blog. It’s mispronounced most of the time, instead of St-ENE, most people pronounce it St-INE. Now you know!
Who/What inspires your work?
I feel like I’m always gathering ideas for blog posts. When I’m watching TV, reading Magazines, even out to dinner with my friends. I pay attention to trends that are current, I try to keep up with what people are talking about or asking questions about. When I go into stores, visuals will inspire me. I keep a section in my phone and in my planner where I jot all of these down and go back to them when I’m planning my editorial calendar.
Proudest blogging accomplishment
I honestly think that I’ve had several feelings of accomplishment, both personal and professionally. Personally, to be able to work with brands that I admire and look up to, is huge for me. Sometimes I still pinch myself when I see emails where they are telling me that they love my blog and want to work with me. It’s a dream come true honestly.
Professionally, I think having my work actually be beneficial to others is HUGE! Helping women feel better about themselves and to have the ability to open up and share parts of my life that I struggle with, so that others don’t feel like they’re alone is the best part of blogging.
Do you have a tip for staying organized
If you could walk into my office (aka beauty room) I’d hope you’d be super impressed by my organizing skills because sometimes it’s a little overwhelming being a blogger. You get sent PR packages, you buy things yourself and just with camera equipment, lighting, backdrops, props for photos and what-not, it can be a lot! My office is organized into different areas. I photograph in one area. I have my products in Ikea drawers and I have an area for products to be tested. Then there is my desk and my makeup area.
It’s always a work in progress, but I’ve found that actually only keeping items that I am using and not just hoarding everything is so, so helpful!
Explain how you prepare for a blog post
It depends on what type of post I’m working on. A lot of the times, if it’s beauty related, I need to actually test out the product and use it so I can see what I think about it. So I’ll start using a product and I take notes and keep using it until I feel confident that I have a good, honest review for you guys. Then I photograph it. I finish by putting my notes together and coming up with an actual post. Then I edit my photos and insert them into the post.
If I’m working on a food recipe, lifestyle post or say fashion themed post, then I have to pre-plan and make sure I have the ingredients that are needed, I need to make sure I can photograph my outfits and the recipes so I have those done ahead of time. Then I wrote the posts and insert the edited photos.
Honestly, it can be different for each post. Lately, I’ve been doing an entire day of photography, editing the photos and then writing the posts.
Favorite/Worst part of blogging
My favorite part of blogging is just the fact that this is my site. It’s amazing seeing that I’ve started this blog and got it to this point. It’s also amazing when you have readers who have been a loyal reader for so long. I can think of several people who comment, like and share my posts all of the time and that means everything to me! Also, developing friendships with other bloggers has been amazing. Honestly, they’ve become such a huge part of my life.
The worst part of blogging. I’d have to say that for me, it’s about being your worst critic. Comparing your work to others can be so destructive to yourself. I think it’s hard to be on social media and see everyone else and what they’re doing and wondering why you didn’t get that PR package or why you didn’t get invited to that event. Just stay focused on your own game! Oh and if you meet bloggers in real life, don’t be offended if they aren’t as nice to you in person as they are online. It happens A LOT! #SadButTrue
What camera do you use/Other equipment
I have a Canon Rebel T5i. I’m trying to constantly up my camera game because I want my photos to look a certain way, but it takes talent and skills. Both of which I’m trying really hard to improve!
I also have lighting equipment! Who knew I’d have to have this kind of stuff when I started a blog, ha. I have a ring light and two umbrella lights.
I think I’ll do an entire post on this if you guys want to see it!
Biggest mistake you’ve made blogging
Not realizing how important photography was to my blog. I am promising you that I am on top of it now! I am doing my best to learn and improve my photography because I want the photos I take to really tell a story on their own! My pictures before were small and in horrible lighting. Guess what?!? I was a newbie and am still learning!!! I think my pictures have improved just a tad, ha!
Yep, that photo actually happened.
How has your blog changed
My voice has changed as I’ve changed. I’ve been doing this whole blogging thing for almost five years and I’ve learned a lot. I’m sharing different types of posts on a variety of topics. Even the way my blog looks has changed. I’ve got some really exciting things in the works that I can’t wait to show you!
Have you attended any blog conferences
I haven’t and I really want to change that next year! Any tips or advice for ones that I should look into?
Best tip for anyone thinking of starting a blog
DO NOT DO IT FOR THE MONEY OR THE FREE PRODUCTS. I promise you that if that is the only reason you’re starting a blog, you won’t make it. Blogging is hard work. You’re responsible for producing content, reaching out to brands and working with them, staying on schedule and also somehow trying to attract viewers and followers on social media. Don’t think it’s easy. Don’t think you’ll become instantly famous and have viewers and brands working with you as soon as you start. It takes time, patience and a lot of hard work!
I know that all bloggers have different ways of working on their blog and we can all learn from one another. So I hope you find this fun and interesting! I also hope that you’ll want to do this tag as well! Just make sure tag me in the post so I can go and read your answers!
How fun, Christine! So interesting to know how you got into this. And yes, your photos are always gorgeous. I need a real camera (my old Sony is just too hard to use), but I’m going to see how the new camera in the iPhone 7Plus is before I buy a DSLR coz it’s supposed to be really good and I am lazy!
I’m really excited to see what people think of the new iPhone because it’s so handy to be able to use for photos! I haven’t ordered mine yet, but I think I’m going to when they’re not sold out!
Love it! My father made a comment to me when he came to visit, that had me roll my eyes so hard. We were talking about my blog, and he said “so you…paint your face, take pictures, and brands pay you” I was like nooooo it’s way more than that. Sigh, non-bloggers just don’t get it lol. My first post was a bath and body works candle haul…not even beauty related! HAHA
It’s so hard to sometimes sit there and remain quiet! HA! Your work is exquisite and I am inspired so much from you! Your photography and your makeup looks are incredible. People who don’t blog really don’t understand it, like sometimes we wouldn’t understand their jobs. I think the difference is we don’t question their “jobs” like they question us blogging?!? If that makes sense!
I loved reading this post! Girl, some of my older photos (and some newer ones HAHAHAHA) and posts make me crinnnnnge. But then I’m too lazy to update them and anyway, I’ve lost/given away most of the earlier products I reviewed anyway. I love how your blog’s layout and header have evolved!
Thank you so much!
Loved this so much! I’m definitely going to have my own answers on my blog on Monday! I would LOVE to see a post about all of your camera/blogging equipment. Thanks for being such an inspiration for me 😀
I can’t wait to read it!!! I’m working on a post about camera equipment and all of that! So stay tuned!
I’ve been pronouncing your blog name wrong all this time. I’m happy to know the right way to say it! And blogging is a ton of work and a lot of time. I really wish I had more time to really get into a good photo groove, but your photos always look great!
I love my blog name, but it is always mispronounced ha! I think once people put together Christine and stine, they finally get it!
Thank you for commenting! Photos take some serious work and I’ve had to really learn a lot about photography to up my game. I keep trying, ha!