Let’s start off by saying that I should have put a little bit more thought into finishing my decorating before I took these pictures, BUT I’m gonna keep it real. Also, some of the lighting in my house is not so ideal for my “photoshoots” and for that I apologize, but it’s been a rainy mess here every single day and the natural lighting has been less than ideal. However, I have been working on getting my house ready for Fall. I’ve been spending a little bit of time cleaning up and making some decoration changes. Here’s a look at what I’ve been up to!
My sister in law came to stay with me for a couple days and she offered to help me make a wreath for my front door. This is what we came up with. One thing led to another and I’ve been making wreaths since she left. I even made one for my mom that I’m going to mail to her IF I can find a box to fit it, ha! Would you guys like to see how I make these? Comment below!
Here’s another wreath I put together. It probably cost less than $15.00 and I love it! It’s in my dining room right now for pictures, but I actually think that I’m going to give this one to my mother-in-law for her office at her work. I think she will like it! I love the color combination of this wreath and the little quote in the middle was something I picked up form Michaels for maybe $3.00?!?! I love finding good deals like that!
I’m working on my mantle as we speak. I got the pumpkins at Target and I love them because they are different from anything I’ve seen. I’ve had the light fixtures for years and I just threw up some leaves and it’s getting there. I still need to add a little something, but it’s better than a bare mantle!
Here’s another wreath I quickly put together today. It’s a door on the side of my house that goes into my garage and honestly, the UPS and FedEx see this door probably daily. So we’ll say that I decorated this for them, ha! Again, this wreath probably cost me around $10.00 to make. I really liked how this one turned out!
My dining room is still not finished, but I’ve gotten a good start. I know, I know. You see Thanksgiving decorations. I’m just not that into Halloween and to be honest, we rarely get anyone that comes up to our house for Trick-Or-Treating, so I just go straight to Thanksgiving/Fall decorations. Call me really prepared or whatever you want, ha. I am getting close to being done with the table. I’m actually going to make some candles, that will be painted with gold glitter to go on the glass stands that are holding the mini pumpkins right now. Also, silverware will probably be a good idea.
That’s what I’ve gotten done so far! I still need to finish my kitchen table and the front porch, BUT I’m slowly getting there, ha. Have you gotten into the Fall spirit and started decorating? I’d love to see some of your Fall decorations if you’ve got some up!
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Looks great so far!! Wish I had the decorating crafty person inside of me – not sure where she went! ha ha
Keep up the great work. Your house always is decorated lovely!!
This looks so good! I’m not the most crafty person, so I appreciate and admire those that are. I love the Gobble till you Wobble wreath!
I love fall decor! Almost as much as I love Christmas decor, but lets not get ahead of ourselves. I love those wreaths! I’ve been contemplating whether or not to make myself a wreath but Id’ hate to only see it when going in or out so I might just hang it on the inside of my apartment door haha. I’d love to see a tutorial!