I wanted to join in on the Blogger Men Tell All: February Linkup Party that Becca from Becoming Adorable and Samantha from The Samantha Life are hosting! I don’t often get my husband, Rob, involved in the blogging business, well not answering questions at least, but I think it’s something I want to do from time to time. Trust me, the man is around enough Beauty and Fashion “stuff” to probably consider himself an expert, ha. He also happens to use quite a bit of product I force suggest for him to use. The questions are below! If you’re a blogger, you should totally do the same thing! I think it’s always funny and quite interesting to see what they answer!
Rob answers 5 Questions for Blogging Men Tell All
1. What is your favorite winter hobby? Hmm. Lately it has been home brewing. Otherwise not much. Music, movies. **He means Beer! He’s seriously into Beer. HA!**
2. Did you do anything special for your blogger on February 14th? New Watch, wonderful dinner with parents. **He’s totally serious about dinner, ha. He surprised me with a shiny, new Kate Spade Beauty and a trip to Sephora.**
3. What’s your favorite kind of candy? Starburst or Reese Cups **I seriously had no idea he liked Starburst that much?!?! Ha!**
4. Which Rom-Com would you choose to watch while you snuggle up with your Valentine? Love Actually **One of our absolute favorites!!**
5. Who, in your opinion, is the best US president ever? I’ve always liked JFK.
That’s it for the questions for this month! I think I’d actually like to start including more of Rob’s thoughts on the blog occasionally. He’s a guy and he uses product and he has an opinion. LOL! Plus, to be honest, sometimes his answers just make me laugh so much. I never, ever know what he is going to say or come up with! This could be fun!! Would you want to watch a video where I ask him questions about Beauty products OR maybe I will ask him questions about me and see how he answers them? It could be fun!! Comment below!
I’ve never seen Love Actually, time to put it in my queue! It’s so fun to hear from the men behind the bloggers 🙂
It’s always a lot of fun!!
Wow, what a nice Valentine’s Day, surprises are always the best! Love Actually has been mentioned a few times..I need to watch it again now 🙂
It’s such a good movie! I love it!
Tim’s been interested in brewing beer lately, too! We have a bucket currently in the coat closet. It’s weird.
It’s funny you should say that. We have a bucket in our closet, as well. It’s REALLY weird. Ha!
LOVE ACTUALLY is the BEST! *A New Classic* 😉
It’s seriously one of the best movies ever!
Our men think alike 🙂
oooooh Kate Spade watch, good guy!!!
He did good! He actually spotted it on one of my guide posts for Valentine’s Day!
How fun!!! I wish I had some dude in my life to interview this questions. Poo 🙁 Love Actually is like a universally accepted Rom-Com by all women and men lol it seems 🙂
I totally love Reese too. Sounds like he did a good for Valentines!
That sounds like a great Valentine’s day! And sometimes Parker answers a question with an answer I would never expect, too – it’s fun to learn new things about them 🙂