Yesterday I happened to stumble across a movie trailer for a new movie coming out called Me Before You. I had seen the book at Target every time lately when I had been in the book section and had it down on my to-read list, but I hadn’t gotten around to it……yet. After watching the trailer for the movie, I instantly downloaded the book on my Nook and well, I finished it the same day at around 2:30 in the morning.
I don’t want to give anything away at all so I’m going to be very vague with my summary. Me Before You is about two people who pretty much having nothing in common, but somehow find each other at the right time, but also the worst time. Louisa, is a girl who has never really done anything with her life. She’s never left the small town she’s in, she’s with a guy who makes her happy (but is she really in love?) and she works to provide for her family. She’s living, but probably not the life she had imagined herself living. Then Will comes into her life. He’s wheel chair bound and not so happy with his own life anymore. She sets out to remind Will that his life is still worth living. Will, teaches her that there is more to life than the life she is allowing herself to live.
Louisa was a girl, in my opinion, who just felt stuck. She lived her life by playing it safe. She didn’t have a lot of options and didn’t see that she deserved so much more of a life than she was giving to herself. Will, on the other hand, had lived a full life. He had a successful career before his accident. He had traveled the world and had tons of women in his life. The two of them had lived such different lives, but they teach each other so much about life in general. The main question that this book asks of you, as the reader, is how do you put your own happiness aside for the person that you love, even if it breaks your heart?!?
Me Before You is a book that was so painful to read, but so amazing the same time. It’s thought-provoking and makes you take a moment to take a look at your own life. I want to warn you before you read this book that you will cry. You’ll cry like the ugly kind of crying. I almost took a snapchat of my face last night after reading it, but was scared my blood shot eyes would scare my followers away, ha! Me Before You will rip your heart out, but it’s a beautiful story not just about love, but about living life with no excuses!! What are you waiting for? GO READ THIS BOOK!
“The thing about being catapulted into a whole new life–or at least, shoved up so hard against someone else’s life that you might as well have your face pressed against their window–is that it forces you to rethink your idea of who you are. Or how you might seem to other people.”
― Jojo Moyes, Me Before You
PS: The movie looks fantastic and i was so excited when i saw who some of the actors are! Emilia Clarke (Game of Thrones) plays Louisa, Sam Clafin (The Hunger Games) plays Will. I honestly had to do a double take before I realized it was him! Matthew Lewis (AKA Neville Longbottom) play’s Patrick, Lou’s boyfriend. Also, Brendan Coyle (Downton Abbey) has a role in the film, I’m assuming as Louisa’s Father. Overall, great cast!! Now go watch the trailer!
My next book I’ll be reading is….
The story continues and I’m not sure how I feel about this book yet. I’m still over here sobbing about the last book, ha! I’ll keep you updated and let you know when I finish this one!
oh boy. I saw this trailer quite a few times Tuesday while trying to watch YouTube videos and almost sobbed every time. I realllllly want to read this book and cannot wait until the movie comes out. Ugly crying in the theater for sure!
Sounds like a good book to read. But I don’t want to “ugly cry”!! ha
This sounds like a good book! Definitely want to read this then see the movie!