It’s time for my April 2019 reading list! I have some incredible books to review for you guys this month. When I sat down to do this post, I wasn’t sure exactly how many books I read last month. It didn’t feel like that many, but I was shocked to see that I had finished five books! Four books were a great read and one was just not something I could get into.

April 2019 Reading List
All of the books that I’m going to mention in this review, I would consider being great beach reads. They’re great storylines, but super easy to get into and an easy finish. This is my preferred style of book to read this time of year. For some reason, I enjoy the more difficult, harder to read books in the Winter and Fall. Just me?!?
Tell Me Lies by Carola Lovering
You ever have that person in your life that you just can’t shake even though you know you should? This is exactly what this book is about. This was a very hyped up book in the book world and I can totally see why. It’s so good.
Tell Me Lies
The Unhoneymooners by Christina Lauren
I read a different book by Christina Lauren and I have to say that I enjoyed this one so much more than that book. The Unhoneymooners is a great read! This book was sent to me as an advanced read. The release date for this book is May 14th!
The Unhoneymooners
Josh and Hazel’s Guide to Not Dating by Christina Lauren
Apparently, I read two Christina Lauren books this past month and didn’t even realize it, LOL! This book was funny and very easy to read! This author is quickly becoming a favorite! I just love her style of writing and I love the storylines she writes about.I
Josh and Hazel's Guide To Not Dating
The Idea of You: A Novel by Robinne Lee
This was my favorite read of the month. It stressed me out so much, but what a lovely story. It’s a perfect combination of being sweet, but also a little dirty. When I first heard people talking about this book, I didn’t think I’d have any interest in it. I had it in my head it was a sort of One Direction boy band that involved a love affair?!? Well, it kind of was, but it was actually great and I just want a sequel honestly.
This made me think a lot about age and how society views certain things. Great read! I for sure want to read more from this author. I might actually be reading this book for the second time….LOL!
The Idea of You
The Parrot’s Perch by Karen Keilt
This was a book that was sent for me to review as a part of the BookSparks Spring reading group that I’m a part of. I could not get into this book and it took everything I had to finish it. Sometimes that happens with books.
I think this book has an incredible story behind it and what the woman had to experience is horrible, but it just focused on things that I felt dragged on, rather than exploring more about political corruption, etc.
The Parrot's Perch
Parrot's Perch is a novel based on actual true-life events of Catlin and her brutal rape and torture in a Brazilian Prison. Her story is heartbreaking, but I felt at times it focused on her families lavish lifestyle, rather than the political corruption I was more interested in.
Not a horrible read, but I just couldn't get into this book at all.
So those were the books that I read during April. I am getting ready to start a new book, The Sun Is Also A Star as it’s been highly recommended to me. What books did you read or are you going to be reading soon? Let me know what I need to add to my list.
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