Let’s take some time to talk, shall we? November is here and a new month means new goals! I’d like to say that October was an awesome, amazing month, BUT I’m here to keep it real and well, October was crap. HA! Let’s just say that life is a work in progress, right?!? I’m busting my butt to make some changes and I hope that I’ll have a post up about those later next week! First things first, I want to talk about my November goals!
So November is THE month that starts to get a little bit crazy for me and probably a lot of you, right?!? The Holiday’s are starting and the one goal that I want to remember this month is that I need to create more me time. Even during the stress of preparing meals for family, deadlines for work and the start of endless lists, I want to remember that it’s ok to take some time for myself and to allow myself some time to unwind and relax. Before, I just went full throttle and ended up exhausted every November and December. I hope this month will be different.
November Goals
Keep on reading
I’m still trying to keep at it with my reading goal for 2016, but I have seriously fallen behind. So I plan on finishing at least four books this month. Hopefully, ha! I have finished a couple that I want to review on Simply Stine, so be on the look out for that! PS Any books that you’d suggest?? These are the next ones that I play on diving into. I’m STILL trying to get into Outlander. I love the show so much, but I struggle with the books for some reason.
Sleep more
I got in the bad habit of staying up super late to finish work and I’ve realized that, that isn’t a good idea. It’s great being able to work from home because I can sleep in if I want to, but I want to get back to a more regular schedule and that means going to bed earlier and not forcing myself to stay up till 2:00 in the morning or later.
For a while, I didn’t let myself get on my phone or computer in my room and I kept the tv off. It was a room that was strictly for sleeping. I might get back into that again because it helped. I also have started to watch the amount of caffeine that I’m having per day and I just picked up a box of sleepy time tea. I’m not the avid tea drinker, but I’m willing to give it a try!
Take ten minutes each day to write about something I am grateful for
I think that we get caught up in the whole idea of focusing on our problems and not what we’re grateful and happy about. I want to take more time, each day, to focus on the good in my life! I bought the Five Minute Journal a long time ago and failed and never started it. Well, that’s going to change! You fill it out when you first wake up and right when you’re going to bed. It’s very short and doesn’t require a lot of time, but it does keep me focused on the positives in my life and things I want to work on!
Theres also The Five Minute Journal App if you’d like something for your phone!
Work on my Pinterest Boards
I have had a Pinterest account for quite some time, but I was never good at really making it useful. I would pin constantly, but I couldn’t’ tell you anything about what I was actually pinning. So I started deleting old boards that weren’t really that important to me anymore and I started getting serious about what I was pinning. Are you following me? You should be!! I’d love to follow you!
My Pinterest boards are a reflection of what I’m loving at the moment and I keep updating them to keep them relevant and current. There are lots of Holiday posts on there right now for Thanksgiving and for Christmas. You’ll find the recipes and lots of decorating ideas because let’s be honest, we’re all about to be crazy with the Holidays! Bring on the food and the decorating!! Obviously, there will be lots of Beauty, Fashion and Home inspired pins as well. There’s a little something for everyone on there!
Focus on my health
My anxiety has been out of control lately, which is why you have probably noticed me not posting as often on here. There’s been a lot of personal issues going on and I think that a lot of stuff just hit me really hard and all at once. Hence why I said October was crap, ha!
I know that a lot of people deal with anxiety issues and I’ll be the first to admit that I had never, ever had any issues until I hit my 30’s. Then all of a sudden it was like it was something I was constantly dealing with. #ItsNoFun I don’t want to hide behind it and let my issues control my life, so I plan on being open and honest about it. I really, really want to do a separate post on this topic as I feel that it’s something important to talk about!
Gilmore Girls, The Fall and The Crown on Netflix
Why does Netflix do this to me?!?! There are so many amazing shows on Netflix right now. I’m tying so hard to get my way through Gilmore Girls so I’ll be caught up in time for the new episodes. Let me tell you, as I had never watched it at all before, I am watching it as often as I can to get caught up, BUT DANG there are so many episodes, ha!
Do you love Fifty Shades of Grey? Mr. Christian Grey (aka Jamie Dornan) is one of the main characters in The Fall. It’s a BBC show and it is so good that I binge watched the first two seasons and the third was just released. I have to get to watching it because I can’t wait to see what happens! Psst…it’s on Netflix!
I am really obsessed with the Royal Family. I love the traditions and come on, who doesn’t love a story of a queen, a prince and his wife and children. I saw The Crown being advertised on Netflix a while back and I can’t wait to watch it!
What are some of your November goals?
I agree, I need to finish up a few books and write down everything I need to do! We don’t have a TV in our bedroom because we were both very adamant about sleep 🙂 However, our kindles made their way in so we could read on them,the Ipads, then my phone and now I am up at 4am and can’t figure out why lol
I’m seriously considering taking the tv out of the room. I’d also have to move my iPad and I’ve even thought about not keeping my phone next to the bed. Small steps, but I know that every little thing can help!
Glad to find someone else who watches the Fall, I’ve been waiting for the new season. Anxiety is such a weird thing, I’m dealing with it also and honestly it scares the crap out of me.
I love that show. I’m only on the second episode of this season, but I hope it is good! I think it’s ending after this one?!?
Anxiety is a horrible, horrible thing for someone to go through. It’s so scary and it’s hard to process what is happening and why it’s happening. I want to do a whole post on this because I have a lot to say, ha!
Great goals! I like that they are meaningful but achievable. I really need to start reading more and sleeping more, but I feel like I have no time! I think about ditching my blog about once a month LOL!
I hear ya on the no time! Some days I feel like I get nothing done! HA! Plus, blogging does take up so much time!!!
You have some amazing goals for November! I’m right there with you on improving my health. I spend so much time focusing on everyone else’s health in my family that mine takes a backseat. And that really needs to stop. I really want to watch The Crown, too. It seems interesting. And The Gilmore Girls. I still haven’t seen the first episode and I feel like I am way behind times. Lol.
Great goals! I’m off to go stalk your Pinterest as we speak. I’ve been meaning to revamp my page. Plus, I need more holiday pins, who doesn’t?
So sorry you’ve been dealing with anxiety, it’s the worst! 🙁 It’s okay to slow down a little every now and then. I think we all tend to push ourselves a little too hard at times. One month is sucky, the next one is better, we just need to get used to the fact that it’s okay to not be okay sometimes.
Setting new goals is always exciting, I know you’ll do great!!
Thirteen Thoughts
Goals….we are supposed to have goals??? lol Your list sounds very doable, you just need to make the time for yourself. Sometimes that is easier said than done, but even if you can begin to do any of these, it’s a start! The anxiety sucks, luckily I don’t have that too often, but it needs to be addresses so that you are ok! Remember that you are important too!!