Most of you have probably heard of or seen Gone Girl by Gillian Fynn, but have you read Sharp Objects? It’s another book she wrote and I just finished it. My BFF suggested that I read it while I was on vacation and that’s exactly what I did.
Sharp Objects is a book that I enjoyed reading but also felt that it was 100% creepy. The characters were also just as creepy and the storyline was dark and mysterious. The main character Camille, is a reporter (who is obsessed with words, literally) who lives in Chicago, but is sent on assignment back to her hometown of Wind Gap to investigate the disappearance and murder of two girls. Through out the story we follow her along to Wind Gap, a twisted and pretty dark place, and learn more about her story. We meet her mother and sister, who are equally as messed up as she is, if not a little bit more.
This book is not for the faint hearted. It’s disturbing and dark. It’s loaded with story lines of unhealthy parenting, drugs, self mutilation and abuse. What was interesting to me is how the author showed how people react and deal with abuse so differently.
This was a book I couldn’t put down and it left me feeling kinda freaked out, but that’s Gillian Flynn’s style. Would it be a book I’d jump at the chance to read again? Probably not, but I still enjoyed it. Just don’t go in thinking you’re going to be left feeling happy thoughts in the end. If you enjoyed Gone Girl, I’d give this a read. If you’re wanting sunshine and happy thoughts, I’d probably skip this one!
Sounds very dark and intriguing. Not sure if that was a good read while on vacation. lol
I liked Gone Girl so may have to look into reading Sharp Objects.
It’s pretty dark and has some major “mommy” issues ha! It was a good book though….
This sounds really interesting! I’ll have to add this to my Goodreads list. I’m glad you do book reviews!