I’m terrified as I’m writing this post. Seriously. I’m trying the Paleo diet for the next 30 days. Why? Well honestly, why not? I’ve tried a lot of “diets” and for me, nothing works. I get bored, I get tired of feeling like I’m only able to eat food that taste so bland and leave me wanting to secretly run away and eat “real” food. To be honest, I’m not even talking about this as a “diet” because those never work. I’ve been having some issues lately and I’m trying to figure out if eliminating dairy, sugars and carbs will help make some of those unpleasant issues go away.
What am I most terrified of? I’m going to miss the hell out of cheese! I know, I know, but I’m speaking the truth here people. If you were to ask me between chocolate or cheese, I might hesitate for a moment, but more than likely I’ll ask where’s the Feta. It’s just so good! Plus, is there anything better than a really cold glass of milk with a nice piece of chocolate cake? NO! However, my health is more important and if that means I need to eliminate certain foods from my diet for a while and eventually, slowly allow myself to have it on occasion, I can handle that!
Here’s what I’m concerned with:
- Giving up all sugars might make me a total B%&$# for the next week or so, just saying..
- Do I have the willpower to make it through 30 days of not eating some of my favorites?
- Can I handle cooking for 30 days in a row? I plan to not eat out that often at all!
- I’m not the biggest vegetable lover, so will I get tired of the ones I do like?
- Will I be adventurous enough and try new things?
Here’s what I’m optimistic about:
- I’m good about the no bread (starches, etc)
- I am hoping to see a difference in my body (skin, complexion, weight, etc)
- I’m motivated enough to make it through it
- I love cooking so that helps me in the long run
- Rob will be by my side! Plus my SIL also eats Paleo as well and I’ve seen a change in her appearance so I know it will work and help!
- I’m hoping this is a nice cleanse for my body! Fresh start!
When am I starting?
I’m going to get through the rest of this week, continue my research and start fresh next week. It’s easier that way. I want to take measurements and make sure I have all of the proper ingredients and foods that I need. So I’ll be starting June 8th and I’ll let you know everything once I get started!
So what is Paleo? Basically it’s eating like the cave-men used to. Nothing processed, no dairy, no sugars (fruit is ok), no alcohol and no bread or pasta! I’ll go into more detail soon, but that’s pretty much the premise of the “diet.” I’ll be eating a lot of meats, vegetables and drinking lots of water. I plan on following this for at least 30 days at first and comparing how I feel, monitoring if I’ve lost any weight and figuring out if this will help my health at all. This is going to turn into a series for the blog and I hope you’ll follow along! If you have any tips or suggestions, I’d also love to hear them! My husband is also going to be participating along with me! Truth be told, he’ll probably have no issues with this at all. HA! I’ll be the one crying along the way I’m sure. Stay tuned! Follow along with the hashtag #PaleoStine because I’ll be posting a lot of Snapchat (combs1217) and Instagram (stine1217) I’m sure. I’ll also do some videos on my Youtube Channel! Thanks for following along with me! I’ll have more updates soon.
This is exciting!! I really need to do something like this, I have had such bad eating habits lately. It would be especially hard for me to give up bread/pasta/cheese and wine… 🙁 Cant wait to follow along and hear your results!
Thanks, Kristina! I hope that by showing I want to do it that more people will feel motivated to do it with me as well! I hope to do some blog posts on it and explaining more about the diet itself! Thanks for your support!
CAVEMAN DIET!!! 😀 you can do it! I’m doing it, sort of.. not really.. close enough? LOL I do treat myself with non-cavemany foods though, so it’s half and half lol
HA! I hope that I can do it!! I am really excited to see how it goes!!