I may or may not have a slight addiction to skin care products. If we are being honest I’ll admit that I probably own over thirty items. Keep in mind that I did work in a day spa and had…
Nourish Natural Bath Products (Savannah Location)
You had my attention at the $15 mystery bag I was on a trip to Savannah, GA recently and happened to come across an awesome natural beauty product store. It’s no secret that I happen to love a good bath…
Fall is in the Air!
Fall is my favorite time of the year. Bring on sweaters, cider and pumpkins! I live in Georgia and the heat can be a little overwhelming so I love it when I walk outside and there is a crispness in…
An Introduction to Simply Stine
Hello and welcome to my blog, Simply Stine! A little bit about me. I live in a suburb outside of Atlanta, GA with my husband. Originally, I am from Ohio and grew up in a small town. It just wasn’t…
A Love Letter To Whiskey by Kandi Steiner
A Love Letter To Whiskey Review I saw this book shared on TikTok a lot. So I read it. It’s free on Kindle Unlimited and I think that in order to read the new material (this is an author’s special…
Life’s Too Short by Abby Jimenez
Life’s Too Short Review So I’m assuming you’ve read The Happy Ever After Playlist already. If not, you can still read this book. Yes, it’s a part of the series, but you can read each book as a stand-alone book….